Providing global expertise with effective local execution


Building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving landscape means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions. We equip our partners and clients for success through best-in-class business solutions.


Core Services

Adapt your processes and strategies, and in turn, your company’s approach to the market.


Business Consulting

Building on three decades worth of experience in consulting and project management, we offer comprehensive services that cover a wide array of industries. We’re proud to help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their business.


Market Overview Analysis

Our team undergoes market scanning to identify market sizes, growth trends, potentiality and segmentation. Partners are provided with viable go-to market and pricing strategies to ensure client products maintain competitiveness in the market while delivering maximum profitability.


Strategy & Planning

At Sericom, we combine our insights and skills to transform your processes and strategies, and in turn, your company. We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make.


Marketing & Brand Management

The team will recommend the necessary activities and methods for promoting the product or service. Our partners will receive a detailed account of all proposed activities, timing, and budgeting requirements. Marketing activities will be implemented and their success will be evaluated accordingly.


Business Development

Looking to develop your business but not sure where to turn? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.


Sales Forecasting & Market Modeling

Our team understands that an accurate sales forecast or model is a prerequisite for an effective planning process ad serves as a foundation upon which important decisions are based. Regular forecasts are used to help implement strategy and planning for the market. We also are experts in acquiring extensive market data and have experts who mine this data and can create in-depth reports. 


Auxiliary Functions


Logistics Management

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Retail Operations





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Brand Activation



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Financial Analysis

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Sports Contracting

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Project Management